Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import unicode_literals

import csv
import json
import os

[docs]class BaseReporter(object): '''Base class for all reporters''' def init(self, runner): self.runner = runner
[docs] def start(self): '''Hook called once on run start''' pass
[docs] def before_class(self, bench): '''Hook called once before each benchmark class''' pass
[docs] def after_class(self, bench): '''Hook called once after each benchmark class''' pass
[docs] def before_method(self, bench, method): '''Hook called once before each benchmark method''' pass
[docs] def after_method(self, bench, method): '''Hook called once after each benchmark method''' pass
[docs] def progress(self, bench, method, times): '''Hook called after each benchmark method call''' pass
[docs] def end(self): '''Hook called once on run end''' pass
[docs] def summary(self): '''Compute the execution summary''' out = {} for bench in self.runner.runned: key = self.key(bench) runs = {} for method, results in bench.results.items(): mean = / bench.times name = bench.label_for(method) runs[method] = { 'name': name, 'total':, 'mean': mean } out[key] = { 'name': bench.label, 'times': bench.times, 'runs': runs } return out
[docs] def key(self, bench): '''Generate a report key from a benchmark instance''' return '{bench.__class__.__name__}-{bench.times}'.format(bench=bench)
[docs]class FileReporter(BaseReporter): '''A reporter dumping results into a file''' def __init__(self, filename): ''' :param filename: the output file name :type filename: string ''' self.filename = filename
[docs] def end(self): ''' Dump the report into the output file. If the file directory does not exists, it will be created. The open file is then given as parameter to :meth:``. ''' dirname = os.path.dirname(self.filename) if dirname and not os.path.exists(dirname): os.makedirs(dirname) with open(self.filename, 'w') as out: self.out = out self.output(out) self.out = None
[docs] def output(self, out): ''' Serialize the report into the open file. Child classes should implement this method. :param out: an open file object to serialize into. :type out: file ''' raise NotImplementedError('You need to implement the output method')
[docs] def line(self, text=''): '''A simple helper to write line with `\n`''' self.out.write(text) self.out.write('\n')
[docs]class JsonReporter(FileReporter): '''A reporter dumping results into a JSON file''' def output(self, out): json.dump(self.summary(), out)
[docs]class CsvReporter(FileReporter): ''' A reporter dumping results into a CSV file The CSV will have the following format: ========= ====== ===== ========= =========== Benchmark Method Times Total (s) Average (s) ========= ====== ===== ========= =========== It uses `;` character as delimiter and `"` as delimiter. All Strings are quoted. ''' def output(self, out): writer = csv.writer(out, delimiter=str(';'), quotechar=str('"'), quoting=csv.QUOTE_NONNUMERIC) writer.writerow(('Benchmark', 'Method', 'Times', 'Total (s)', 'Average (s)',)) for row in self.summary().values(): for run in row['runs'].values(): writer.writerow(( row['name'], run['name'], row['times'], run['total'], run['mean'], ))
class FixedWidth(object): '''A mixins with helpers for fixed width tables raporters''' headers = ('Method', 'Times', 'Total (s)', 'Average (s)') precision = 5 def with_sizes(self, *headers): '''Compute the report summary and add the computed column sizes''' if len(headers) != 5: raise ValueError('You need to provide this headers: class, method, times, total, average') summary = self.summary() for row in summary.values(): sizes = [len(header) for header in headers] # Benchmark/Class column sizes[0] = max(sizes[0], len(row['name'])) # Method column max_length = max(len(r['name']) for r in row['runs'].values()) sizes[1] = max(sizes[1], max_length) # Times column sizes[2] = max(sizes[2], len(str(row['times']))) # Float columns for idx, field in [(3, 'total'), (4, 'mean')]: float_len = lambda r: len(self.float(r[field])) max_length = max(float_len(r) for r in row['runs'].values()) sizes[idx] = max(sizes[idx], max_length) row['sizes'] = sizes return summary def float(self, value): return '{0:.{1}f}'.format(value, self.precision)
[docs]class MarkdownReporter(FileReporter, FixedWidth): ''' A reporter rendering result as a markdown table. Each benchmark will be rendered as a table with the following format: ====== ===== ========= =========== Method Times Total (s) Average (s) ====== ===== ========= =========== ''' def output(self, out): for bench in self.with_sizes('', *self.headers).values(): # Bench label as title self.line('# {0}'.format(bench['name'])) self.line() # Table header sizes = bench['sizes'][1:] headers = [h.ljust(s) for h, s in zip(self.headers, sizes)] self.row(headers) separators = ['-' * size for size in sizes] self.row(separators, ':') # Table body for run in bench['runs'].values(): values = (run['name'], bench['times'], self.float(run['total']), self.float(run['mean'])) values = [str(v).ljust(s) for v, s in zip(values, sizes)] self.row(values) self.line() def row(self, values, char=' '): self.line('|{c}{r[0]}{c}|{c}{r[1]}{c}|{c}{r[2]}{c}|{c}{r[3]}{c}|'.format(r=values, c=char))
[docs]class RstReporter(FileReporter, FixedWidth): ''' A reporter rendering result as a reStructuredText table Each benchmark will be rendered as a table with the following format: ====== ===== ========= =========== Method Times Total (s) Average (s) ====== ===== ========= =========== ''' row = '| {row[0]: <{sizes[0]}} | {row[1]: <{sizes[1]}} | {row[2]: <{sizes[2]}} | {row[3]: <{sizes[3]}} |' def output(self, out): for bench in self.with_sizes('', *self.headers).values(): # Bench label as title self.line(bench['name']) self.line('=' * len(bench['name'])) self.line() # Table header sizes = bench['sizes'][1:] self.line(self.separator(sizes)) line = self.row.format(row=self.headers, sizes=sizes) self.line(line) self.line(self.separator(sizes, '=')) # Table body for run in bench['runs'].values(): row = (run['name'], bench['times'], self.float(run['total']), self.float(run['mean'])) line = self.row.format(row=row, sizes=sizes) self.line(line) # Table footer self.line(self.separator(sizes)) self.line() def separator(self, sizes, char='-'): line = '+'.join([char * (size + 2) for size in sizes]) return ''.join(('+', line, '+'))